Nutritional Care
When medical conditions prevent you from adequately feeding yourself, Baxter provides life-saving clinical nutrition options to help you regain your health.
Malnutrition can be a serious problem for people with vulnerable health conditions; for the 1 in 10 newborns who are preterm; for chemotherapy patients who have lost the ability to consume food; for patients who have undergone major surgeries; and for chronically ill patients.
Getting the nutrients required to regain and maintain your health can often be difficult or impossible through normal consumption, or even tube-fed solutions. Therefore, we pioneered parenteral (intravenous) nutrition (PN) solutions in the 1940s; becoming a clinical nutrition leader through innovative and accessible products and services for patients around the world.
To help patients regain health and strength, we work with doctors, nurses and clinical nutritionists to help ensure that they get the nutrients needed in a safe and effective manner.
My normal doesn't look like everyone else's normal … I carry my nutrition, the therapy I receive daily in a backpack, which is incredibly convenient because it allows me to still be mobile.
"The impact Baxter has on me personally is that they make their products in a way that focuses on innovation and safety; it's reassuring to think they have my back, and I'm not doing this by myself.Jana, Home Parenteral Nutrition Consumer

Home Parenteral Nutrition
Chronic illnesses that affect the digestive system, such as the inability to swallow, a motility disorder, inflammatory bowel diseases, bowel obstruction or a shortened intestine also may require the need for daily clinical nutrition therapy to replace or supplement normal eating. Home parenteral nutrition (HPN) was introduced in the early 1970s and today it’s a widespread therapy option around the world. Patients on home parenteral nutrition can get the nutrients they need – in the comfort of their home – by relying on the depth of our portfolio to support their custom prescriptions.
Advancing Global Nutritional Care
We provide innovative and accessible products and services designed to be used in different healthcare environments, including in the ICU and the hospital, nursing homes, clinics and in homes.
Our product portfolio contains many of the essential ingredients necessary to create well-balanced formulations of a clinical nutrition regimen; protein, carbohydrates, lipids, electrolytes, trace elements and vitamins.
Our ready-to-use formulations are manufactured to the highest standards for safety; and custom prescriptions can be prepared with consistent quality and safety using our leading pharmacy technology.
23 percent
of U.S. patients with malnutrition were readmitted to the hospital within thirty days of discharge1
2 million
approximated hospital stays in the United States involve malnutrition2
2X longer
hospital stays in the United States that may be a result of malnutrition2